Kalendus Features

Welcome to Kalendus, a web-accessible calendar program developed at InterVarsity Press. This is a brief description of the features Kalendus provides.

Multiple calendars
Kalendus handles multiple calendars. IVP has a general office calendar, one for each department, and several specialized calendars. Adding a calendar is easy; just tell us you would like a new one.

Events may be posted on multiple calendars. Use the Control key (on Windows) or the Command/Apple key (on MacOS) to select multiple calendars. Changes to an event are reflected on all calendars the event is posted on. Which calendars an event is posted on cannot (yet) be changed. I suggest deleting the event and re-adding it.

The event subject is what is displayed on the monthly calendar. I suggest keeping these short, otherwise the calendar tends to get too large to fit on the screen.

The event description can be used to hold more information about the event: location, what to bring, etc. As it did not appear to be widely used, the only place this appears currently is on the edit event form. That can be changed if desired.

Events may be assigned a variety of colors. We tried to pick ones that were readable and matched the overall color scheme. In IVP's templates, spanning events are always white text on a randomly selected background color (except the printer friendly version).

Optional start and end times
If the start time or end time is specified, it will be displayed with a hyphen before the end time. You may leave either the start time or the end time unspecified if it is not applicable. Examples:
Meeting (with no start or end time)
1 pm Meeting (starts at 1 pm, no end time specified)
1 pm-3 pm Meeting (from 1 pm to 3 pm)
-3 pm Meeting (ends at 3 pm, no start time specified)

Single day events
To enter a single day, specify the start date. The end date can be left blank. Single day events can also be repeated on a periodic basis; see below.

Multiple day events
To enter a multiple day event such as a conference, specify both the start and end dates. Multiple day events will show as a colored block underneith the dates it occurs. These can span across week, month, and year ends.

Repeated events
Events may be repeated periodically. Specify the first day to occur as the start date, and the last day to occur as the end date. Options for repeating every week, every 2 weeks, every 4 weeks, and every month are given. When repeated every month the event can be the same day every month (the 21st of every month), or the same weekday every month, counting weeks from the beginning or end of the month (the second Tuesday or last Thursday).

When repeated events are edited, either the single instance may be changed, or all future instances may also be changed. The dates of future instances cannot (yet) be changed; I suggest deleting the event and re-adding it.

The add and edit event forms are password protected. The user that added or last edited an event is displayed in the edit form as Entered by.

Embedded HTML
If desired, you may embed HTML into the subject of an event. For instance, use <B>your text</B> for bold, or <I>your text</I>. for italics. You may embed hyperlinks, but I suggest only hyperlinking a portion of the subject or you will not be able to easily edit the event.

Mark Gates
Last modified: $Date: 2001/04/12 22:53:24 $