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You have Kalendus installed and running properly.
Kalendus can have multiple calendars. Use the cgi-bin/calendar/auth/admin.pl script to edit the list of calendars.
The names of weekdays, months, and their associated images are stored in the MySQL database. Use the cgi-bin/calendar/auth/admin.pl script to edit these.
Kalendus uses Cascading Style Sheets to define all the fonts and colors used. By editing the html/calendar/style.css file, the look of the entire calendar can be changed.
The Web Design Group provides a good CSS reference at http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/css/.
The user can choose the style for each event. The names of the styles must be listed in the MySQL database. Use the cgi-bin/calendar/auth/admin.pl script to add styles.
The styles are defined using Cascading Style Sheets in the html/calendar/style.css file. Because they are defined with CSS, styles can set the color, font, bold, italic, etc. For each style, edit the CSS classes named "event-{style}" and "event-{style} a".
.event-green, .event-green a { color: #187331; }
Normally Kalendus automatically assigns styles to spanning events so adjacent events are not the same color. These are called "autostyles".
As with regular styles, the names of the autostyles must be listed in the MySQL database. The autostyles are defined with CSS. For each autostyle, edit the CSS classes named "span-{autostyle}" and "span-{autostyle} a".
.span-maroon, .span-maroon a { background: #5F3B5C; color: white; }
Instead of letting Kalendus automatically assign styles for spanning events, you can let the user choose them. First, change {autostyle} to {style} in the HTML templates. Next, for each style, create CSS classes named "span-{style}" and "span-{style} a".
Original month.html:
<!-- LOOP spandays --> <td class="span-{autostyle}" colspan="{days}">
Change to:
<!-- LOOP spandays --> <td class="span-{style}" colspan="{days}">
Kalendus uses HTML templates, rather than embedding HTML into the Perl scripts. This makes it easy to change the entire look of the calendar. The HTML templates are in the cgi-bin/calendar/ directory. Pay careful attention to the following template directives in the HTML files:
<!-- LOOP name --> ... <!-- /LOOP -->
<!-- IF expression --> ... <!-- ELSE --> ... <!-- /IF -->
Variable names show up in curly braces, like {this}.